People are becoming more and more familiar with SLR cameras as new ones enter the market everyday. Now, digital SLR cameras are not as common as other types of cameras, and have usually been used more by professional photographers. Every year digital cameras are falling in price, and are now being sold just as much as compact cameras. Many new buyers have heard of these cameras, but just do not know the benefits of them and what makes them different.
SLR stands for Single Lens Reflex, and DSLR (which people commonly see) stands for Digital Single Lens Reflex. SLR cameras allow the user to see exactly what the camera is seeing. You also have the option of changing the lens, which you cannot do with most other cameras. SLR cameras, when used properly, produce some of the highest quality pictures one will see. The best part about them is that they have close to 0 lag time, making it the best type of camera for action photographers.
The good thing about SLR cameras is that they are very good for all-around use. Unlike other cameras, SLR can be used for pictures ranging from action shots to still shots (and you will still get amazing quality either way).
Now, you may be wondering, how exactly does the Single Lens Reflex work in the camera? First of all, the light goes through the lens and hits a mirror. Then, this mirror reflects the light onto a screen. The light goes through this screen and goes into an area of glass which is known as the pentaprism. The pentaprism then reflects the picture so you can see it in the viewfinder. Now, it may seem like a long process, but the camera does it in less than a second, so no worries.
One of the best features of the SLR is the view finder. Although, what you see in the view finder is usually not 100% accurate, it is pretty darn close. Another key feature that is great about SLR cameras is that you can change lenses. Aside from the camera itself, the lens used will play a big role in how good your picture turns around. The lens will determine factors such as contrast, color, and clarity of your final picture. You can choose lenses that are perfect for your needs, which is great. A landscape photographer will generally not use a lens which is the same as one a sports photographer will use.