วันเสาร์ที่ 31 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

The Best Way to Have a Baby Boy - Tips to Sway the Odds

If you are wanting to add to your family, like many couples you may want to choose the gender of your next child. For couples wondering which is the best way to have a baby boy, there are a number of simple steps you can take which will naturally sway the odds in your favor.

As most people already know, it is the sperm which determines the sex of a baby. A man has a roughly equal quantity of both "X" and "Y" sperm (male and female) so you would think that the chances of having a boy or a girl are always the same. However, this is not the case and knowing a little about the behavior of sperm can help.

Compared to female sperm, male sperm tends to be much faster and is smaller. However, it is not as robust and has a much shorter survival period. It prefers a mildly alkaline environment.

So how can we use this information to our advantage to determine the best way to have a baby boy?

As male sperm has a short lifespan, having intercourse as close to the time of ovulation is essential. Having intercourse a day or two beforehand is counter-productive as it will mean that the male sperm will have perished by at the crucial time, but that the longer lasting female sperm will be ready and waiting to fertilize the newly-released egg. Although the male will have swam up the vaginal tract and into the womb before the female sperm, this will have been to no avail. Use an ovulation predictor kit and as soon as the results are reading positive, have intercourse as soon as possible.

As male sperm prefer an alkaline environment, knowing the pH level of the vagina is essential if you are really serious about influencing your baby's gender. Simple pH testing strips can be bought at a reasonable cost and once you know if the vagina is acidic or alkaline, you can alter the balance by eating certain foodstuffs for a boy, such as meats, salty foods and caffeine. Also, alkaline douches, such as a very mild solution of baking soda, can sway the balance.

