There are many things that you have to consider whenever you want to buy a camera. It is necessary to make sure that you are spending your money sensibly. It is a brilliant idea to consider the following:
· Megapixels
Nowadays, cameras have more than enough megapixels to take magnificent photographs. Sensory density is a more tell tale fact, and more megapixels might practically lessen the shot quality. Thus, quality is determined by the sensor's size than the amount of megapixels. In case you want a camera for a casual use, then perhaps a regular compact can suit your needs. On the other hand, if you want to boost a picture quality, it is sensible to buy a DSLR.
· Lens
You might be interested on compact camera models with large zoom lens when searching for cameras. You have to make sure that this zoom has a wide angle or else you might find it hard to compose your shot. You may also detect more camera shake. You might also want to think about purchasing an extra telezoom lens for DSLR.
· LCD Screen
Size is not everything when it comes to LCD screen. You have to consider the color, sharpness, brightness and anti reflective tint of the LCD screen. It is wise to consider things carefully before purchasing a camera with a touch screen feature since it may affect the screen's image quality.
· Live View Mode
Live view mode is a fairly decent addition to almost all DSLR cameras. Normally, a viewfinder is the best way to take pictures with DSLR. However, live view can still be used efficiently using a tripod. You will observe that live view allow you to take pictures from a high or low angle that would be otherwise impossible to shot accurately.
· Manual Control Options
You want to make sure that the camera has decent manual controls that simply a standard automatic setting. You will discover that cameras differ in the amount of manual control. They also differ on how these controls can be operated.
Keep in mind that is possible to take fantastic pictures with an inexpensive or very simple camera. However, make sure that it has all of the features that you need and want.