วันพุธที่ 29 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

Top 3 Digital SLR Cameras For 2010

Digital SLR cameras are all the rage these days, as more and more people take an interest in photography and decide to break away from the limited point-and-shoot cameras in favor of more complex cameras. Today's DSLR have evolved into full-featured, yet easy-to-use machines that enable even amateur photographers to deliver professional-quality results.

The main advantage of owning a DSLR is that you can simply switch to manual mode and have full control of your camera. They also tend to produce better pictures even when in automatic mode, they are faster and more reliable than point-and-shoots and allow you to change lenses anytime you want.

SLR cameras are for serious amateurs, photography enthusiasts and professionals. They usually come with not only full support for manual shooting mode, but also flash sync, RAW format support and a host of other useful features.

There is not one camera that can be considered the best SLR. There are however, certain brands that you should seriously consider when shopping for a reflex: Nikon, Canon and, as of late, Sony as well. Below are three of the best slr cameras currently available:

Nikon D40: Small, Light and Great For Beginners
If you are eager to learn more about photography, but have never truly used anything except for a normal point-and-shoot camera, then the Nikon D40 is great camera for you. This little camera comes packed with powerful features just like those available on professional cameras, but in a way that's much more user-friendly, even for newbies.

Nikon D3000: A Sturdy and Reliable DSLR With Tons Of Features
Anyone interested in getting serious with photography should seriously consider buying a Nikon D3000. It's a powerful DSLR with advanced features and superb image quality. One of the many benefits of this camera is it's incredible performance on tricky low light situations. It makes clear, noise-free images unlike any other.

Sony A200K: An Alternative To Traditional Brands
Another camera you should consider when upgrading from a regular point-and-shoot camera to a more powerful digital SLR is the Sony A200K. It provides a wide range of features and fine image quality at reasonable prices. If there's one issue with getting a Sony camera -- in contrast to one from Canon or Nikon -- is the lack of choices for additional lenses.

When choosing the best SLR for you, keep in mind that different people have different needs and expectations. What worked for someone else may not necessarily work for you, and this is why research is so important. You should make a list of the features you want and than search for the models that have what you are looking for. Than it's a matter of comparing extras and price. That is the best way to make an informed decision.

